Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I wish my baby pics were worth this much.

What the hell. This is absolutely ridiculous. $10 million dollars?

Also, there is absolutely no mention in this article of little Zahara, whose face is cut off but is still actually in this picture. I looked at this picture with a few friends, and I was struck by the fact that AJ's back is to Zahara. It looks like she's carrying Zahara on her back, which strikes me as being sort of vaguely African maternal. Zahara's expression and her position relative to her mother and little sister make her seem like an adult. Angelina seems to be interacting with the baby much more than with Zahara. It looks like more of a mother-child interaction rather than the yin-yang aspect that is at least visually present in the contrast between Zahara and AJ's skin tones. It's hard to tell where Angelina's eyes are, but her smile seems more likely in response to a vaguely grinning, shoulder-nomming baby, rather than a serene (bored? sad?) Zahara. I mean, her smile is probably just part of the framing of the photo, but visually, Zahara looks like an angelic bookend to the very human interaction between Angelina and her young baby. A baby that looks astonishingly like Brad Pitt:

The contrast between the biological family and the larger family including adopted children couldn't be clearer with just Angelina and two of her girls pictured.

1 comment:

  1. Don't know why you can't see the full image. Check it out here:
